Looking to Break into North America?
Bringing a device to market in North America requires a different set of skills, knowledge and expertise than it does anywhere else in the world, and Q1 is uniquely qualified in the industry to successfully assist you in breaking through into the marketplace.
Existing, Unique Relationships with All Tier 1 Carriers
Due to the unique, trusted nature of the relationships that we has with all four of the primary Tier 1 Carriers, Q1 has the ability to accelerate your entry into the North American marketplace by integrating your products directly into our RFPs out to the carriers. Further, we have preexisting MPAs with each of the carriers, making it easier for us (and ultimately you) to do business with them.
A Single Point of Contact
With so many moving components in the process of getting your device into North America, Q1 can and does operate as a single point of contact for both you as well as the carriers that we are working with. Because we have such close relationships with all Tier 1 carriers, the majority of Tier 2 carriers & MVNOs as well as national retail marketplaces and rural carriers prefer to work with us because they understand our expertise and trust our ability to make sure that every “i” is dotted and every “t” crossed. In turn, you will be able to rest easy in the knowledge that everything is being appropriately considered and accounted for.
Comprehensive Account Management Throughout the Lifecycle of the Product
As the device moves into the marketplace, our team at Q1 also assists in managing weekly CPFR calls between the carrier and the supplier as well as any other penitent parties, so that collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment are perpetually kept up to date and handled appropriately.
Reverse Logistics & Repair Capabilities
Q1 offers complete reverse logistics services with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 Certification as well as R2 Recycling. We also handle triage repair up to level 2, eliminating the need to ship product off-shore in order to properly service it.